Link batch #13

I’ve been going through the process of getting these custom aero extensions made for the prototype Oak time trial bike. The process so far has been quite immersive and pleasant but it’s still early. I look forward to sharing more details with you all as I dive deeper into the world of aero, time-trial optimization.

I’ve been fascinated about bike-specific trips for a a while and even more about professional cycling training camps. Last year, this video made me want to go experience that for myself and thanks to inGamba, I was able to. This is a bit of an extravagant experience but nothing crazier than any other all-inclusive vacation… If you’re a cyclist/ cycling lover, it makes sense. Something I would 100% recommend (better than an overly expensive vacation at the beach, in my opinion…).


Oak’s guiding principle #4 - Sophistication


Oak’s guiding principle #3 - Joy