Our purpose is to foster a passionate racing community.

This is a project 14 years in the making, an extension of a family and their passions.

Beyond something that is sold, this is about getting more people excited about racing bikes.

Our brand’s guiding principles

  • Starting with the name, which comes from the founder (André’s) middle name, which is his mother’s maiden name, Carvalho—that is the Portuguese word for oak tree. This company was always meant to be a “family thing” as it came out of the merging of many passions.

    So Oak starts from our family. It then invites others in by connecting enthusiasts, sharing camaraderie through similar and evolving passions.

  • If Family is our heart, Racing is our core. It is to us the definition of purposeful and enjoyable riding. The promotion of adrenaline through fast racing (professional or amateur races, fast group rides or a hit out with friends!).

  • Anything that each of us does, only happens if Joy is at the center of it and we intend on that being translated to the brand.

    Joy is and will be the fuel, the blood, behind all our actions and decisions.

  • We’re not über mechanical, rather favor design and added value through our worldwide culture.

Meet the Team

  • André Abreu


  • Wyatt Funk