Oak’s guiding principle #4 - Sophistication

This is the visual component of the brand—the aesthetic. This is an American company based in the US but I’m an European graphic designer and I believe that those two can create the perfect marriage.

Our branding is very minimalistic. It’s timeless. European. Yet our campaigns, teams and special editions will be loud, fun and creative. American. One way or another, both will be showcased in everything we do and I encourage you to keep an eye out for that—the details.

This principle also means that our main focus is not the technical side of things; yes, our products have to be safe and we want them to be competitive, but many, many frame manufacturers are competitive yet not many can be set apart.

We will always favor design and consider the added value that our products add to our customers. Whether that is achieved through the use of the products themselves or through the brand’s community, or the overall culture of bike racing, that is our priority.


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