Oak intro

My name is André Abreu. You know me because I’m sending this e-mail to all of my contacts—from my parents to acquaintances. I have something to share with everyone.

I’ve been working on this specific project for about 5 months now. Actually if I’m being honest, it’s been 28 years in the making… Some of you have known me since childhood, some from school, sports, previous business endeavors… All of those outlets have played a part in this—what I believe to me my life’s project.


Oak is going to be an extension of me, my passions and my family. The word oak itself, comes from my mom’s last name (and my middle name), which is Carvalho (oak tree in Portuguese).

No, I’m not selling anything, I’m just sharing from the heart. I’ve been developing this brand out of the excitement of finally understanding what I’m really passionate about and how I can turn that into my life’s calling.

So, what exactly is Oak? Right now, it’s this e-mail. It’ll be e-mails that I’ll send periodically updating you all on the world of bikes, and our place in it. Yes, it is a bike related thing and if that’s not of your interest, that’s ok. By the end of this e-mail, hopefully there’s a few of you left…

This brand will be the culmination of a lot of things a lot of you know me from: a bicycle company (Kingdom), a cycling team (ULTRAPASS), content creation (StachePower), my family (Abreu), design (Slash) and of course, who I am in all of these things and what I try to embody in everything I do—joy.

Through my business and cycling endeavors I hope to get more people excited about bike racing, bicycles and just some good ol’ adrenaline pumping through the veins. To be honest with you all, I’m not entirely sure what this will turn out to be. I do have a lot to share on the matter, thus why we’re here.

There’s quite a few things in the works and I will share all of it, every single detail, with you all. For now, I won’t bore you too much and conclude by saying thank you for reading this far. If none of what I said sounds interesting, feel free to unsubscribe. If it does, look out for the next e-mail as not only will I be updating you on the company, but also start sharing some links I’ve been enjoying/ think to be relevant lately.


Idaho bike racing