Link batch #9

Cool content

Ok so cyclists, and cycling in general is weird. Companies and riders are coming up with the weirdest things to become faster. Makes sense as bikes can’t get much better but, when it comes to “aerodynamic bras”, I struggle a little bit…

Why it’s relevant to me. As we look to start exploring Time Trial bikes and being aerodynamically efficient, I need to consider all of these things and make sure we’re on top of it.

Why it’s relevant to you. Getting an “aero bra” can actually make you, apparently, 10+ seconds faster… Might be worth looking into it guys!

Cool products

I first heard of this brand when Pogacar won the Tour in 2020. Since then it’s blown up and kind of risen to the top of cycling shoes. These are my new favorites.

Why it’s relevant to me. No way I’m spending $500 on cycling shoes that I could crash or get too dirty too soon but a guy can dream, right?

Why it’s relevant to you. I think it’s interesting to compare cycling to the world of luxury clothing. $500 isn’t super surprising to cyclists for shoes but in the “normal” shoe world, that’s considered extreme luxury. Interesting, I think, to me anyway…


Oak Twilight at Boise Twilight


Oak Twilight at Tulsa Tough