Link batch #5

Cool content

I love motivational and emotional cycling videos, especially if they involve a record. This mini-doc by Ineos when Ganna broke the hour world record (again), is one of those.

Why it’s relevant to me. I love seeing the limits of human capabilities and knowledge pushed, and this is the perfect example of that. I can’t wait to create content like this through Oak.

Why it’s relevant to you. If you’re not into cycling, this is something really easy to get excited about. If you are, you will 100% love this piece of content.

Cool products

With every cyclist focusing more and more on aero products, shoe covers have become almost a must-have while racing. These happen to be Van Der Peel and I’s favorite.

Why it’s relevant to me. I like to keep my feet (shoes, socks, covers…) all white while riding and it’s hard to find an all-white, minimal option for show covers.

Why it’s relevant to you. Maybe you’ve also been looking for something like this. Yes, it’s pretty niche.

Bike nerd stuff

Everyone in the bike world is talking about the new SRAM Red groupset. I’m not a fan of how this brand’s group sets work but I’m a huge fan of innovation and American brands. This podcast was, in my opinion, the video that best broke down all the details of the release.

Why it’s relevant to me. As we prepare our fully built Oak bikes, group sets, especially from the big 3, need to be evaluated and considered.

Why is relevant to you. If you’re interested or considering upgrading to this groupset, there’s some really good points here.

Not cycling related

Ok so I’m not usually a fan of these types of videos (I get bored easily I guess), but the information on this video about traveling with infants is so good, informative and inspiring.

Why it’s relevant to me. Katelyn and I plan on traveling a lot with our kid, starting early, and these are the types of tips we would actually use and share with other people!

Why it’s relevant to you. If you need a little push to get out there with your kiddo or think the whole thing is more of a headache than it actually is, this might inspire you too!


Oak’s guiding principle #1 - Family


The first-ever criterium-specific bike