Link batch #2

Cool content

There’s just something about a beautiful bike. This mechanic/ photographer is one of my favorite people to follow online because of the amazing taste he has in putting bikes together.

Why it’s relevant to me. This inspires me and helps me come up with ideas for not only my bikes but also Oak’s!

Why it’s relevant to you. It’s easy to get carried away with all the available choices out there but sometimes simply “copying” or getting inspired by someone else’s choices, will take you to the next level.

Cool products

This bike bag is changing the experience of traveling to bike races.

Why it’s relevant to me. I’ve been traveling with bike bags for 12+ years. I’ve tried all kinds of bag models and usually lean towards the more aesthetically pleasing ones. While traveling to so many races in the past year, functionality became more important. This is the only bag I’ve ever seen/ used that makes traveling with a bike less annoying due to the fact you don’t have to remove your handlebars and seat post (if you’re short like me).

Why it’s relevant to you. Racing bikes, traveling with bikes, functionality, design… These are all things at the core of Oak, which makes this product not only important to our brand but also a teaser…

Bike nerd stuff

Following the trend in the professional peloton of using longer stems, this gentleman did some testing on how that would affect an average Joe and the results are quite interesting.

Why it’s relevant to me. I too usually try to install longer stems on my bikes because again, I too have found similar results. Plus it looks cool.

Why is relevant to you. Maybe you’ve struggled with comfort on the bike and this can help. Maybe you want to look more like the pros and didn’t know if you could try…


Link batch #3


Link batch #1